Friday, December 17, 2010

Pokemon Light Plantume

victory of reason - tilted youth media protection treaty

At the last second of the parliament has stopped in NRW the much-discussed youth media protection treaty. The FDP had taken an early clear position against it. For many surprisingly then, the parliamentary group of the Union had decided to oppose the treaty. That would have served together with the links to the Treaty against the minority government to topple. This would have been the Greens come under pressure to act consented only recently because of "parliamentary constraints" the contract with the coalition partners. In this situation, the decision to join the objectors also the right thing!

For those who deal with the issue for a while a great relief. to understand have to hurry now now all the fast write the success to the flag, the victory is but from all the users of the network, the many assets brought through education, the politicians only as far as what it is, but it is above all a profit for the network itself spared the nonsense, like broadcast times for homepages and similar nonsense remains.

a victory of reason therefore. The

were performed in the background many phone calls in recent days and weeks that many of the groups in Berlin and in the countries have yet tried to find a way is good and has significantly contributed to the success at the end.

Now we have something new to have a treaty of the right of minors is also fair. This is perhaps a little more difficult as the inventors of the Internet must have thought the end times. The classic mistake rules and laws simply impose one on one of the digital world will fail in most cases. So we will have to go new ways.

These routes may be arduous but effective. They are called personal responsibility and media literacy.

get to work.


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