Hello beauties!
Last time I've already told you how important it is to concentrate in school. This time it's about the concentration in learning to ... . Sweeten
the suuuper I think it is important! does not just learn stubborn and boring!
building with a beautiful things! For example, candy! *.* example, I have currently a huge pack and a pack Merci Mozart balls are on me. Okay, now are not necessarily the best examples ... Were gifts from my dad! \u0026lt;3
But simply divide the chocolate into individual pieces, place in a bowl and always eat a piece if you have done something - it helps! ME! Of course I know not how it is with you.
course can sweeten not only sweets. ^ ^ you can simply between a scented candle or anmache repaint after each task a nail.
Only 2 Tips: I commend you, learning is always something to drink, preferably water. I also think
it super motivating to make a checklist of what you must do it all. When strikethrough is a great feeling! *.* Ah yes, a no-go is Music - really!
You can even insert a break and listen to da music, not learning! The only distracts you! I hope I could help you a bit?
Excuse my slight absence - in the school's running at me now not so ... = (
Dearest greetings, your
Cleo \u0026lt;333
Cleo \u0026lt;333
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