Thursday, December 30, 2010
Neck Point That Makes Fall Asleep
Huhu my pretty ones,
I got an award! And although the love (CLICK ->) Lemira (\u0026lt;- CLICK), I had imagined you recently her blog:)
Actually one should mitreinposten the instructions and other people also give an award, but I will break this chain here easy. I want him to enjoy it just got:)
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Images For Facebook Tagging
Huhu my pretty ones,
I post you just a little picture. This shows my
Schatz and his little sister
is she cute?
Altersunteschied? Nearly 22 years
Words To Describe New Born
Huhu lovelies,
Michael and I had been given by my parents a 40 € voucher for the City Gallery. Today we were there to redeem them.
a wonderful wonderful beautiful soft scarf got hold for 6.99 € un der is soooo!
two nail lacquers of NNY
right next to 553 469
The right nail polish looks like shit in the picture extremely ... but the is so beautiful in fact:) Maybe I get
tomorrow through a beautiful picture?
Then I would actually buy something from the Black & White LE but it was COMPLETELY empty.
But then I'm out of my frustration the black crackling varnish of P2 bought because all write and say this shit, the effect is, I had to, of course, convince them: P
Tomorrow I'll introduce you to the nail polish closer because now the light is gone:)
Monday, December 27, 2010
Formula To Calcute Recurring Deposit
Remember when I tried I never strayed to far
from you
forever by your side no matter what I
what going through
But now I never know, the things to say to help you
Now me, But know I'm still on your side
I never showed just what you do to me
This song was always wrong
I hate this town, it's so washed up
And all my friends don't give a fuck
they'll tell me that it's just bad luck
where will I find where I fit in
I hate this town.
At least I can say I stand for something.
You and me we stand for something.
Causes Broken Chest Capillaries
Huhu my pretty ones,
because so many are interested in it:) Here is the link to
IKEA side of the storage box (GLIS box with lid)
I am a link
ok .. . Please just ignores soap.
The departments, which you see are integrated. Left you can see the variable units. There are 6 in number
When all are in it then this looks like it. (Yes, I think I've shown schonmal)
I hope I could now answer all the questions?
The box costs 4.99 euros übrigends
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Where Is My Licence Number For Fsx?
Huhu my pretty ones,
we were now at Michi's Papa, and on the way back I snapped a little.
Have they worked at home a bit.
The holidays are with us always back and forth ... Christmas Eve were invited 6 people with us. On 1 Christmas Day afternoon, we were at my parents eigeladen eat duck breast. In the evening we were still at Michi's mom.
Today we were then at Michi's Papa. This evening is Michis sister still there.
Tomorrow afternoon I then girls Christmas party at Ner girlfriend.
And here are my pictures.
Fetish Brazilian Bellypunching
Huhu my pretty ones ,
here's a quick look at my soap
now it's raspberry.
also have I made yesterday with Michi's sister bath melts
scented with vanilla fragrance oil and cream colored
easy ...
Looks like vanilla ... and it smells so good.
Now we go to Michi's father, bringing gifts and eat duck. :)
Here is my short nail design of today
Sun .. now I have to go but ...
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Leather Bracelet Downtown Disney Yahoo
Huhu my pretty ones,
today I finally made the cherry soap.
they saw filled fresh from:)
And so after about 20 minutes: marble to)
I've tried, but by the phytoestrogen Cherry Orchard is the glue is so amazingly quickly become fixed the problems I had ...
morning, it will get taken out of shape, I'm curious how that's become so with my new IKEA form.
A Monster Energy Bike
Ohje, es tut I'm really sorry I did not give rise to policy debate it - but I am nevertheless pleased that some of you share my opinion.
But for a time to rapidly clarify: Of course I have a great family, with whom I spend time. I love to go to my two little cousins to help them eager to watch gifts unwrapped. I think it's nice when the kids are happy about it as' n chips - but the way it is, Christmas is a children thing. My family is thankfully not as pseudo-allesistsuper. We just go along with my aunt, have a blast on the way to fourth (which we generally have every time we do something to 4th), eating together, the kids hold out so long until they almost can not even stand ("I look but only the gifts" - "You look but with the Auuuuugen") and then - then there's Christmas. Then trains are put together, Dino looked through books and candy stolen from the tree. My mom puts on her Christmas CD and rock around the Christmas tree (really, it does!) - And I, I bleating a bit rum that Christmas is actually totally stupid is that I eat the fish do not like and now that Mom really ONLY ONE SONG to listen. Dad turned his eyes then, and if we then go back home, the evening really begins. I ride with friends in the city and am at 7 clock Morning home again, and then, yes, but somehow it was Christmas again redundancy in order, although I'm really just ranting on and 24 some traces left on me.
addition to the whole Christmas is finally also the best picture this year were - on Michele birthday, as then in the end only we stubborn Photo students were left and have somehow started to shoot.
ranches in retrospect, nothing else. the picture was taken just like that. The red plaid shirt mitm has a little lightning in the hand, triggered via slave, and the guy below the yellow diamond has the other little flash in his hand. At least I think that it was so. Therefore, the cigarette looks good so plastic-unreal - because she is exposed as a single object from above and below.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Cv Of Wedding Planner
Go me just to get away with your pseudo-I-have-all-so-loving-shit. I hate Christmas. I hate gay lights, and the cold, snow, fir trees, the beaming faces.
Please do not hate. But a hate speech at Christmas has always nunmal.
Bon appetit!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
9 Weeks Pregnant Popping Feeling
Huhu lovelies,
I was today with my treasure in Augsburg have quickly bought a few things.
out And if I go to Augsburg, then never a way to IKEA by ^ ^
Then I saw this
And so the thing looks pretty openly
I'll find that great ... here I can make soaps * * höhö
Michi takes me to finally stop so much stuff to buy. Pfff ....
I think I'll still my cherry soap:) Then there
again NEN entry:)
Friday, December 17, 2010
Internal Error -tally
Many of you ask me again how it works like this in my studies, and how there really comes clean.
First: The current test was my second. I have it also tried to run it after my school diploma - but in vain.
In most design schools in Germany you must probably assemble first a portfolio of his work - here it is always very good times in a day of open door or a portfolio preparation course passing to . look I have done none of both.
What will the respective university for a Solution is most common in the application somewhere on the Internet there. By that I mean now if only single photographs are pure, or whether you want to work in series - but most series are required.
My own session for FH Munich was very playful. I have not bought any, but a fully tinkered himself made. Here it is:
I can not tell you whether that is now well received, or rather than total was felt crappy. This is a not so betrayed. I can only remember clearly how I get it back. The Professor has pushed me in the hand and said "Ah, that is from you then!" ;)
any case, if your wallet is taken, you may then also to the actual entrance examination.
On the first day's was first NEN thick questionnaire . Divided he was in general knowledge, logic, history of photography and photographic general knowledge. First sounds nasty, but it is not really also was all multiple Chic. I'll try to remember to ask questions.
The test consisted of logic as:
house - roof, head -
a) eyes
b) mouth
c) hair
d) Neck
.. so what are now the world is not as should, haha.
was common knowledge shared in a couple of math problems (mainly things that can be solved easily mim rule of three) and just a couple questions about politics or what's going on so in the world otherwise.
For example:
"What is the director of the Godfather?" (This question was apparently already the 2nd time in a row)
"Which band Andy Warhol has worked?"
"How was the only candidate in this year's presidential election?"
In " photo story " part I can still remember very well this question:
Who is NOT a famous photographer?
a) blabla
b) blabla
c) Hillary Clinton
d) blabla
No kidding, that was really so;) then there were still questions as
"Who has the black and white photography dominated? "
photo technology gabs following:
"How does a opening the aperture on the picture? "
" From what depends on perspective? "
" What is a episcope? "
" What is a polarizing filter "
The last part of the questionnaire consisted of a small practical task :
We should be using a white Dinar leaf and 4 wooden skewers a building tinker.
Yes, just as I myself also felt.
But in the end I was glad that we had to draw nothing) What did I tinkered now I can not really describe .. I've broken everything and torn, and in the end I named my art piece "Oriental Garden House." ;)
After they had given the questionnaire, we got another piece of paper pressed into his hand, now standing at the actual practical part. We should at the outset already two disposable cameras get. A few had running models from Kodak, etc., I'm just in Müller and have me for a couple € bought three of these things.
Our theme was " town feel . Overall, one could make cameras verknipsen ie two, one had to 5 selected images. I have my extra times scanned for you:
(click me)
For the task we had infinite time. I am first before eating what went before I ever got Consider what I do.
evening, I believe so had to clock up 18, then released the images in a small photo shop to be let to develop them. The photo shop was of course in the picture about the examination and after 18 clock has just assumed no more cameras.
The next day we were all herded into a back room and gradually to a personal conversation (always three) in a small The room next door brought. The conversation was very relaxed, no nasty questions, everything was friendly and did not interview esque. We have our 5 town feel presented pictures, a little bit and says that's it. We were asked only what we have been doing for so far with photography and our plans because actually, if we were not being taken
I have said that I would try it again. And again. And again. And again. ;)
I hope I've got you herewith a relatively good insight .. for questions, I am of course always open - but please, if possible via Formspring and not via comment!
Pokemon Light Plantume
At the last second of the parliament has stopped in NRW the much-discussed youth media protection treaty. The FDP had taken an early clear position against it. For many surprisingly then, the parliamentary group of the Union had decided to oppose the treaty. That would have served together with the links to the Treaty against the minority government to topple. This would have been the Greens come under pressure to act consented only recently because of "parliamentary constraints" the contract with the coalition partners. In this situation, the decision to join the objectors also the right thing!
For those who deal with the issue for a while a great relief. to understand have to hurry now now all the fast write the success to the flag, the victory is but from all the users of the network, the many assets brought through education, the politicians only as far as what it is, but it is above all a profit for the network itself spared the nonsense, like broadcast times for homepages and similar nonsense remains.
a victory of reason therefore. The
were performed in the background many phone calls in recent days and weeks that many of the groups in Berlin and in the countries have yet tried to find a way is good and has significantly contributed to the success at the end.
Now we have something new to have a treaty of the right of minors is also fair. This is perhaps a little more difficult as the inventors of the Internet must have thought the end times. The classic mistake rules and laws simply impose one on one of the digital world will fail in most cases. So we will have to go new ways.
These routes may be arduous but effective. They are called personal responsibility and media literacy.
get to work.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Bmi Of Victorias Sectret Models
I've just noticed that I have tomorrow birthday.
So I do not, my blog. The fact is a year old, is to believe? I was never of the bloggers, and somehow did indeed ego but managed only through you to stay tuned.
1371 readers and 74 posts is an entire year later was taken by me. Pretty verzwirbelt.
But let's important to all the stuff:
I get paid soon pots. Yes, correct belongs - pots. The setup online shop CSNStores me that is offered a pair to test their products .. and I will refer shortly so my first own home and my new kitchen so far is the scope of a single egg cooker (thanks Grandma!), the true particularly well.
Auuuußerdem love Friends of the sun, I am currently collecting information on einfrig for you - many ask me again how this looks for the entrance examination for the Fotodesign program. I'm on Leave Undso, many of my fellow students can also have a recall two questions from the test. If I had enough together, read ich'n entry, I promise!
What's more .. oh yeah, you remember determined yet Lisa, the pretty red-haired girl that currently adorns so many of my pictures and Conny. Which now has a blog, still fresh, but very very nice. Ma looks here: little victory
And last but not least, the beautiful poncho H & M has arrived. , The man is beautiful.
The shoes I already eeewig - I think the I also had ma from eBay .. I know it but not anymore: (
The coat pocket I've got hold about one month ago when Pimkie - and the poncho is as stated by H & M, recently appointed to the sale, much easier, there's still something.
And yes, there is down right ritter sport chocolate paper. Gotcha:)
PS It was 15 degrees today.